Wednesday, February 7, 2018

6398. Make a cake from scratch

It's been a boring, stay inside kind of winter. I've not done anything fun besides a couple of regular library things. I finally started to get cabin fever and need something to do while the hubby was racking up the miles on the basketball court. I literally went through the bucket list trying to do something indoors that was budget friendly. The one thing that stood out that could be done without much planning was bake a cake from scratch.

Off to Pinterest I went. I have a whole board dedicated to cakes. You think I could find an easy cake made from scratch that didn't require a trip to the store out of 100+ pins. I had little luck -- either the cake was a cake mix cake or it required something I didn't have.

After a little searching, I found one that was perfect. It was chocolate, from scratch, and I had all the ingredients on hand. It was called Chocolate Crazy Cake. The cake had no eggs, milk, or butter in it which would be great for all my dairy-free/vegan friends.

Besides being dairy free, it also was nearly mess free. It was mixed in the same pan that you baked it in. When I was done, I told the hubby to look at the mess in the kitchen and he thought I cleaned it up already and I was like no that's the only mess this cake made.

Add the dry ingredients

Add the wet ingredients in wells

Pour water all over it



Frost and enjoy

It was moist but dense. I may have over mixed it. I kind of reminded me of red velvet cake without the red velvet. I did enjoy the cake but the hubby thought it was dry. He did have the cake a day or two after I baked it. It did seem to dry out quickly but that might have been how I stored it. I would definitely make this cake again especially since it made a small cake.

Maybe one day I will branch out and try to make a more complicated homemade cake but for now I may stick with Betty Crocker or the Pilsbury Dough Boy helping me out.

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