Saturday, February 10, 2018

2nd Saturday Library Fun

My local libraries are always coming up with fun and exciting programs and activities that are fun for the whole family. There are crafts, concerts, and even theme nights. Kimberly-Little Chute has taken this one step further and have started Second Saturdays. According to their website, "Second Saturdays are all about casual convo, coffee, puzzles, art making, music and more.".  There is some art projects and you are encouraged to bring your own. They have taken  it one step further and added Yoga in the Stacks beforehand. 

You can always just finish a puzzle

Yoga in the Stacks is exactly that -- yoga in between book shelves before the library even opens. It starts at 8 AM -- which is a bit early on a Saturday for me but since I have always wanted to do yoga, I dragged myself out of bed to go to the library for yoga in the stacks. Jessica from Yoga Story led us in basic yoga for an hour. Everybody is at a different level and she always lets us know of adaptions if the pose is too hard. Even I, who just does yoga with my app when I remember, can handle most of the poses. I think this month the hardest one we had to do was Tree Pose -- last month was Warrior III. The whole balance thing is tricky for me... and breathing not so good at the whole yoga breathing thing. Despite the early start time, I have greatly enjoyed Yoga in the Stacks and hopefully they will continue it or at least bring it back in fall. 

Photo Courtesy of Yoga Story and Kimberly-Little Chute 
Library Facebook page

I stuck around after Yoga to partake in some of the Second Saturday Fun. My initial plan was to stick around for an hour or so but I ended up picking up some overtime at work so I had about 20 minutes to enjoy the second Saturday activities. Luckily they started the activities at 9 instead of 10 so it worked out for me. 

This month's activities all centered around bookmarks. 

There were bookmarks to color

Bookmarks to paint with watercolors. This was so much fun. I learned a great new art technique that I might actually be able to do at home and make it look good. The secret is in the box of Crayola crayons :)

Paper clips to bend into book marks

Origami book marks -- I made it to step 2 before giving up. I didn't even know the kind of fold they were talking about... It has some weird animal name. Apparently I wasn't the only one struggling because I saw Stephanie, one of the librarians, posted on Instagram that she couldn't finish it either. 

Too bad I had to rush through everything. I would have liked to finish coloring my bookmark. Maybe I would have figured out what a rabbit ear fold was. Maybe I would have found the box of paper clips and actually had time to make a really cool bookmark out of it. 

I am sad that I won't be able to attend Second Saturday next month.. I'll somewhere in Oklahoma or Texas. Hopefully they will continue this fun and I will be able drop in another Saturday but I encourage you to go get your craft on during the Second Saturday or during whatever fun event your local library has to offer. The best part -- it's usually free.

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