Friday, April 14, 2017

335. Go on an Easter Egg Hunt

I never realized how much of a deprived child I was until today at work. This was the first time I ever recall participating in an Easter Egg hunt. I took Natalie when she was like 2 or 3 to the one in Saukville and I hid a few eggs last year for Natalie, Thomas, and Jayden but I can never remember actually going on an Easter Egg hunt.

Image courtesy of Google

For a team building activity of sorts, the Operation Managers hid Plastic Easter Eggs in an empty production space and at designated times, two people from each team went to search for them. There was candy in the eggs and some even had a gift card in them. Each color egg was also worth a certain amount of points. Only the Ops Manager knew what color was worth what amount. The team with the most points would win an off-site lunch.. Free food is always a motivator.

Image courtesy of Google

The Easter Egg hunt at work was fun the first time I did it. I participated in the second round so my team mates advised me where to look (in things, under things) and the OMs gave us a few pointers (I didn't hide any IN the ceiling tiles...).  I also had a slight advantage of walking through the floor shortly beforehand coming back from break. I tried not to look but some of them were in plan sight. When we got downstairs, I snatched up all the ones in plain sight and started opening lockers and drawers. I found one in a coat pocket. Then I remembered the clue about not being in the ceiling tiles so I started checking the ceiling.. sure enough there were 2 eggs in the light fixtures. By the time I climbed down from the desk, other people figured out what I was doing. Between my partner and I we had enough points to catapulet to first place...

Image courtesy of Google

However by the time my second hunt began we back in 2nd place and I didn't fare as well the second time. The eggs were harder to find and more people knew where to look.. besides I was over looking for eggs. And all the candy was gone so we were looking for 2 gift cards and empty eggs for points.

I did come away with a bunch of candy but no gift cards. Our team ended up in second. So no lunch for us.

It was a fun way to spend a few minutes while at work. Now I can say I actually have done an Easter Egg Hunt. Who would have thought I would actually have to wait 37 years to say that and be able to say I did my first one at work???

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