Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Craxi At the Movies: Beauty and the Beast

When I heard that Disney was remaking Beauty and the Beast as a live-action move, I was skeptical. It is my favorite Disney movie and I wasn't sure if it would be ruined if they made it live-action. Then I found out Emma Watson was playing Belle and decided I wanted to see it.

Image from imdb.com

My movie-going experience did not start well. After paying through the nose for a bottle of water ($4.25... heck I can buy a whole case for that price and my movie ticket was only $5), Erin and I had to stand around waiting to get into the theater as they were still cleaning it... and it was 10 minutes before show time... Then by the time the previews and announcements were finished it was nearly 20 minutes AFTER the time the movie was supposed to start.

The movie, however, was REALLY well done but I still prefer the animated version. I'm glad they stuck to the original story.. a tale as old as time.. Sure they were a few differences but they were minor and added to the movie. The way the explained the snow at the castle was most beneficial.

Emma Watson was amazing as Belle. However, it is sad that a whole new generation that will know her as Belle and not Hermoine. I didn't even realize she could sing. The animated beast is so much better looking than the new beast. I really didn't like the horns. I wouldn't say he was scary but he definitely was more beast-like.

My biggest disappointment was that the castle accessories were still animated. I really though Mrs Potts, Lumiere, Cogswoth, Chip, and the rest of the gang would have been really characters as well. It does make sense though that they are animated because of the nature of the characters. Humans really don't make good household objects no matter how good the costume team is.  I also prefer the whimsical Mrs. Potts of the animated version than the more regal Mrs. Potts of the live action version.

Disney announced that LaFou is the first openly gay Disney character. My opinion: Who Cares? Now, with that being said, if Disney didn't say that I might not have drawn that conclusion. There is nothing overly obvious that he is gay. Yes, there are few moments that would make you go hmmm if you didn't know better. The final dance scene there is a moment when LaFou does give a flirtatious look to another young man but it is so brief that again if you didn't know better, you would never have guessed. I never saw LaFou dance with another man during that scene. Even though Disney introduced us to the first openly gay character, they did it in such a way that didn't detract from the movie and wasn't over the top.

Even though I prefer the animated version, I am not disappointed. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend seeing it. It is a good family movie. And yes the songs will get stuck in your head.

Would I buy it? Maybe... and that's only because I normally don't buy many movies any more.

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