Saturday, October 8, 2016

SNF Bus Stop

Earlier in the week, I saw something on Facebook that the Sunday Night Football Bus was going to be at Appleton North High School today as part of the fan stops on their way to Lambeau for tomorrow night's game. Since the time didn't interfere with the St. Joe's Run, I HAD to check it out.

The bus was scheduled to appear between 10:30-12:30 before heading to Green Bay for the Craft Beer Festival. I decided to get there early in case there was a line or something. I arrived about 10:15 and the bus was already there.. setting up. Of course I had to take my picture in front of the bus,

Because it was unclear of what to expect, I decided to hang around until 10:30 just in case there was more than just the opportunity to take your picture in front of a giant bus. While getting my picture in front of the bus was cool, I really wanted to see the inside of the bus. After standing in a hodgepodge line for like 20 minutes, they started to let people into the bus. In the mean time, I took a few bus selfies.

I honestly didn't know what to expect but what I saw was not it. I knew it was going to be cool but I didn't expect a video explaining the bus or "camera" people to take your picture. There let about 12 a dozen or so people in the bus at a time, played a short video (maybe a min) explaining the bus, explained a few things, and then they let you take pictures or took pictures of you.

I got to command the desk

Hold the Player of the Game Ball before even Rodgers does

Hold the Packer's Helmet... it's not that light

Sit on the couch

Work the controllers

WOW. It was AMAZING! I'm glad I took the time to go over and check it out

Thank you to whoever had the connections to get the bus to the youth football game.

Now when I watch the game tomorrow night, I can say I've been in that bus (or a replica of it). I touched that football. Next time it rolls through your town, go see it.

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