Thursday, May 26, 2016

Summer Bucket List

Now that summer is around the corner, I've seen all these bucket lists to do with your kids on Pinterest and Facebook. I decided that I should have my own summer bucket list of things that I want to do this summer. 

This list doesn't include any of things that I know I will get done while on vacation or during Stacy's and my girl's weekend. Many of things I want to do are local events here in the Fox Valley. 

My summer bucket

Go to Yoga in the Park
Go to a Food truck rally 
Do at least 1 monthly fun run
Do at least 1 1 Tuesday fun run
Go to the Green Bay Botanical Gardens, preferably on Wednesday free nights
Go to the Farmers market
Go to Chalk the town
Visit Galloway house in Fond du Lac
Go to Menomonee park
Climb the Fondy Lighthouse
Go to at least 1 festival 
Go to at least 1 concert even if it's a courtyard concert
Do at least 2 5Ks
Hike a new trail
Plant a container garden

I'm sure there are more things I want to or see area this summer and I'm sure I'll find them. I may not get everything done on my list. It will be fun trying.

What is on your summer bucket list?

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