Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fancy Hat Friends 2nd Annual Tea Party

Last year, I had a tea party because I never had one before. I had one just to cross it off the bucket list. It was so much fun, we decided to turn it into an annual event.

This year some of the faces were different but the atmosphere was the same.... well dressed ladies in fancy hats sitting around Danielle's front porch sipping tea, eating scones, and talking. I couldn't think of a better way of spending a dreary Sunday afternoon.

Like last year we all brought a dish or two (three, four...) to share. We had enough food to feed a small army. Of course we had scones, crumpets, and cucumber sandwiches. What tea party isn't complete without those?

Luckily my mom gave me a tea pot for Christmas as a gag gift because otherwise we would had to do with just a tea kettle.

It was fun getting all dressed up, putting on a fancy hat, and making some girly appetizers to share. The scones were a big hit.

We talked about getting together again and wearing our fancy hats.. maybe wine drinking in Door County. I really hope we do because it will give me an excuse to buy another hat.

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