Thursday, May 26, 2016

Summer Bucket List

Now that summer is around the corner, I've seen all these bucket lists to do with your kids on Pinterest and Facebook. I decided that I should have my own summer bucket list of things that I want to do this summer. 

This list doesn't include any of things that I know I will get done while on vacation or during Stacy's and my girl's weekend. Many of things I want to do are local events here in the Fox Valley. 

My summer bucket

Go to Yoga in the Park
Go to a Food truck rally 
Do at least 1 monthly fun run
Do at least 1 1 Tuesday fun run
Go to the Green Bay Botanical Gardens, preferably on Wednesday free nights
Go to the Farmers market
Go to Chalk the town
Visit Galloway house in Fond du Lac
Go to Menomonee park
Climb the Fondy Lighthouse
Go to at least 1 festival 
Go to at least 1 concert even if it's a courtyard concert
Do at least 2 5Ks
Hike a new trail
Plant a container garden

I'm sure there are more things I want to or see area this summer and I'm sure I'll find them. I may not get everything done on my list. It will be fun trying.

What is on your summer bucket list?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Books and Brews: The Rosie Project

When the cookbook club at the Neenah Library finally ended due to lack of participation, I was on the look out for a new cookbook or book club. I saw something on Facebook about a book club at a coffee shop in Little Chute that was hosted by the Kimberly-Little Chute Library. The book they were reading for May sounded interesting. That's how I ended up at Seth's Coffee Thursday night talking about a book with a bunch of strangers...something I would normally not do.

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion is about Don, a genetic professor, who is on a quest to find a wife but gets sidetracked by Rosie who wants to find her biological father. Don is very orderly and follows a strict routine whereas Rosie is a complete opposite. Don finds Rosie the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on and goes out of his way to help find her father even though it distracts him from finding a wife.

This is a laugh out loud book because of Don. He puts 100% effort into whatever he does whether it is learning how to ballroom dance before a date or learning how to bar tend to help Rosie with the Father Project. He breaks his routine and in the process betters himself.

I really enjoyed the book and decided to check out the book club. I am glad I did. Even though I was the new girl, it was not uncomfortable. The moderator and everyone was very nice. We kept going off topic because the other 7 people have been together since the beginning and knew each other quirks.

We talked about the discussion questions and laughed about some of the more cheesier questions.. like what was your best day in your life. Because we met in the back room of the coffee shop, people would walk by and at one point in time someone made a comment "Testicles..." and I was like "yeah, yeah Testicles". Wouldn't you know that someone walked by at the moment. We got some looks and that set us off into a fit of giggles.

Before we ended for the evening, we decided on the next 3 months' books. We all scrolled through out phones and tried to come up with what we were going to read. We did settle on the next three books.

I will definitely be going back. The group is fun. I enjoyed my evening. I just need to plan on not getting home much before 8:30. Now to find a copy of "And Then There Were None"....

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hopping on the Coloring Bandwagon

I am always looking for free things to do to get out of the house at night when the hubby is at a game. There is only so much TV and movies, I can watch. Yes, I like my “me time“ and there are days that I want to be anti-social but there are times that I just need something to do. I discovered that the library is a wonderful place to find free events at night. And since there are at least 4 libraries all within 15 minutes of me, I have plenty of opportunities to get out of the house…and sometimes learn something new.

When I was at the Kimberly Library last week, I picked up their April/May Flyer and noticed there was an adult coloring event as part of Turn off Screens Week. They said it was an event for the whole family. The library would provide coloring sheets, markers, and colored pencils. I know Neenah had several events like this as well usually during the day. Since the hubby was going to be home late from his game, I decided this might be a good time to see what this coloring craze was all about.

To be honest, I was not expecting to really give it a shot. I had to pick a book up at the library and figured I would check it out. I wasn’t planning on staying that long. I didn’t want to be the only single person there at this family event. As luck would have it, another lady walked in in front of me. I figured well the least I can do is check it out.

The Kimberly Library isn’t that big. It’s in the village municipal building. I figured we would color at the tables in the library. Not the case. When I walked in, there was a sign pointing us to the one of the rooms in the building. Several tables were set up with crayons, markers, and colored pencils. There were piles of coloring sheets, both kid friendly and adult ones, spread out on another table. One of the librarians was serving up hot chocolate and popcorn.

I picked out two different coloring sheets from the piles and settled in near the lady that walked in ahead of me. One of the sheets I picked up was tea cups which I thought was perfect considering I just had a tea party. Upon starting to color, I realized that as fitting as the picture was there were too many small details that made coloring tedious at first. The markers were relatively fine tipped but still made staying in the lines at times difficult. After a while, another lady joined us. I would add comments occasionally to the conversation but focused on finishing my tea cups before I had to leave.

We acquired all these jugs of markers before the end of the night

I enjoyed the ladies company. I’m not 100% sold on the whole adult coloring book mania. The markers made it difficult for the intricate details but I liked how the color popped. Colored pencils were nice but didn’t leave that vibrant hue that the markers did and I didn’t have as many choices. I know people find it relaxing but I found it tedious and frustrating when I went out of the lines. Maybe if I chose I different pictures.

Even though it’s not as relaxing as I thought it might be, I probably will attend another coloring event. Maybe I will stock up on my own markers or colored pencils to see if that helps. Maybe I will stick with the kids’ pictures for now.

I am proud of my tea cups though. It is hanging on the fridge. I still have a mushroom picture to color…. Maybe I should practice with that one. I know that I’m not going to run out and buy an adult coloring book any time soon as tempting as it may be.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fancy Hat Friends 2nd Annual Tea Party

Last year, I had a tea party because I never had one before. I had one just to cross it off the bucket list. It was so much fun, we decided to turn it into an annual event.

This year some of the faces were different but the atmosphere was the same.... well dressed ladies in fancy hats sitting around Danielle's front porch sipping tea, eating scones, and talking. I couldn't think of a better way of spending a dreary Sunday afternoon.

Like last year we all brought a dish or two (three, four...) to share. We had enough food to feed a small army. Of course we had scones, crumpets, and cucumber sandwiches. What tea party isn't complete without those?

Luckily my mom gave me a tea pot for Christmas as a gag gift because otherwise we would had to do with just a tea kettle.

It was fun getting all dressed up, putting on a fancy hat, and making some girly appetizers to share. The scones were a big hit.

We talked about getting together again and wearing our fancy hats.. maybe wine drinking in Door County. I really hope we do because it will give me an excuse to buy another hat.