Monday, January 25, 2016

2047. Eat at Mickey’s Dining Car in St. Paul

When the hubby said he wanted a greasy spoon for breakfast, I knew where I wanted to go -- Mickey's Dining Car. The Mighty Ducks was one of my favorite movies growing up and Mickey's Dining Car was featured in it. When I learned that it actually existed, I wanted to go.

Mickey's was actually on our way home even though it was in downtown St. Paul. The hubby was not happy that it was smack dab downtown or we had to navigate an accident to get there. However, since there was free parking available right next to it, the hubby was okay coming back.

Mickey's isn't that big...probably a dozen or so stools at the counter and 4 booths. It is an actual train dining car which is why it's so small. There is no public restrooms. If you are dining alone, you better sit at the counter or deal with the wrath of Mary as the booths are reserved for 2 or more diners spending at least $3.00 each. It's not a place where you hang out and do your homework but it's perfect to grab a quick breakfast or lunch. It is open 24 hours and serves breakfast all day.

I had a bacon omelet and the hubby had french toast. The one thing was food is served as it is done whether or not you were there first or not.  The hubby got his french toast before I got my omelet. Both were light and fluffy. The bacon was not chopped but actual strips of bacon folded into 3 eggs. Different but not bad.

Mary may be cranky but she makes the place. She knows the regulars. She was impressed by how much NCAA basketball officials make and announced it to the whole restaurant.

My friend asked if Charlie's mom was working. I told her no and I kept waiting for Coach Bombay to come in.

Despite being downtown St. Paul, I'm sure we'll be back.

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