Friday, January 1, 2016

Top 5 in 2016

Every year I try to get 5-10 bucket list items done. Last year, I managed 18! Looking ahead to what lies in store for 2016, 5 may difficult now that many of the items on the list require extensive traveling. I really should start saving my pennies and plan on knocking off some of those more bigger trips. NYC anyone?

This year, I want to

1. Go to the Mayville Schoolhouse Museum -- this is the one thing that didn't get done last year and I really hope to get there this year.

2. See the Octagon House Museum in Watertown. This one has always intrigued me and if I plan the day trip right, I can get a lot of other things done

3. Go to Zoo Ala Cart -- my brother mentioned he wanted to go to this last year and if I'm in town this year, I'd love to go

4. Go to Renaissance Faire in Bristol -- I've tried to get here for a couple of years now. Maybe this will be the year.

5. Go Snowshoeing. I have plans on going snowshoeing this weekend. I might end up going myself if Janis bails on me. I've wanted to do this for years and usually it's been either too cold or not enough snow.

If none of these work out, maybe I should just find someone with a trampoline and spend the day with Nubby while he drives truck.

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