Tuesday, May 26, 2015

#894 Go to Lake Geneva

. When we initially decided to go to Chocolate Fest in Burlington, I google-mapped Burlington and discovered that Lake Geneva was only about a half hour from Burlington. I figured that was doable and when Stacy asked what else I wanted to do, I said Lake Geneva among other things.

The plans for Lake Geneva evolved from a 2 hour boat tour to walking the Lake Path due to scheduling conflicts. Lake Geneva is a summer haven for millionaires and billionaires and has been since the late 1800s. It is a resort town and thrives on the tourists that come to gawk at the mansions along the shore of Lake Geneva. One can actually walk the around the lake all 20.1 or so miles due to an old law on the books that require the city keep up the Lake Path which literally winds through the backyards of these mansions. Stacy and I planned on walking part of this path but we actually were able to take a boat tour instead.

Lake Geneva Cruise Lines offer a variety of cruises of varying lengths around the lake. We initially were going to take the Full Lake Tour. Other tours we tossed around were the Black Point Estate Tour and the Expanded Bay Tour. There is also a mail boat tour where mail is deliver to the mansions around the lake by a mail person jumping off the front of the boat onto to the dock, delivering the mail, and jumping back on the back of the boat. My parents and cousins took this tour last year and really enjoyed it. We wanted to do this but it doesn't start until Mid-June. Later I discovered that they was a special mail boat tour on Sunday. Stacy and I ended up taking the Ice Cream Social Tour.

As we cruised around the bay and learned about some of the more famous mansions, we enjoyed a sundae for lunch. Personally I was a bit disappointed in my sundae.
This is what the picture online promised me:

This is what I got

Hershey syrup, whipped cream, a cookie, nuts if you wanted, and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream. The website says "be served a sumptuous Breyer's ice cream sundae prepared just the way you like it." That is not how I like my sundae. I like both hot fudge and caramel, chocolate ice cream, sprinkles, whipped cream, and a cherry. Despite not being "just the way I like it", it was still good and made a very good lunch.

After our boat tour, it was still raining. We decided to save the 3 or so block downtown shopping district for another trip and continue on with our day since we had agreed to meet Stacy's husband and in-laws for dinner at 6.

 It is a nice like tourist area but they do have a parking problem. If it wasn't raining we probably would have had to walk a lot farther than we did. It is all metered parking but they do have pay boxes instead of having to feed meters. Mainly it is street parking. I only saw 1 small parking lot near the boat docks. Even Fish Creek has more parking. 

I can now say I have been to Lake Geneva. There are still a few things I'd like to do in the area and probably will make another trip down that way. If you haven't been to Lake Geneva, I would suggest to take a trip there even if it is just to gawk at the mansions.

Just some of the mansions. I was on the wrong side of the boat.


  1. Going to Lake Geneva next Tues - Thurs. taking a boat to one of the mansions for a tour.
