Saturday, March 7, 2015

#3790 Visit Appleton's Indoor Farmer's Market

I really did not have much going on today. The hubby was at basketball all day. It was supposed to be nice out. I decided to take a look and see what (free) things I could cross of the bucket list today.

The possibilities included:
#3735 -- Take a Historical Third Ward Walking Tour in Appleton
#3744 -- Go to the Paperweight Museum (Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass) in Neenah
#3790 -- Go to Appleton's Indoor Farmer's Market

Since I really did not plan this out too well, I scratch the walking tour off the list. I need to look into that a little more. I didn't want to go the Paperweight Museum by myself. The idea of the farmer's market and window shopping downtown sounded like a good way to kill an hour or so and get some of my steps in for the day.

The one thing that always deterred me from visiting the Indoor Farmer's Market in the past was that I had to pay for parking. I am not one to have spare change or cash on hand. I remembered to grab a few quarters from the change dish before I left and found an easy to get into spot (I refused to parallel park) about a block or two from the Farmer's Market. It was a nice morning for a walk.

The Farmer's Market is held inside the City Center Plaza downtown. It is a very nice venue for the farmer's market. There were quite a few vendors selling crafts, food products, and even the chip clip guy was there. Many vendors offered natural or organic products.

I was slightly disappointed that there was not a lot of fresh produce but then again we live in Wisconsin and winter is tough. I was kind of hoping to spot some fresh green beans. There were several vendors selling produce mainly potatoes, cabbages, and the like. However, I was quite surprised to see a former co-worker selling some delicious looking Italian desserts. Too bad I left the cash at the bank.

The highlight of the trip was it was History Day and the Historical Society had scrapbooks and displays in a room. There were people dress in old fashioned clothes. The coolest display was about a local beer.  There were a lot of people in the room and it was very difficult to actually look at things. If it wasn't so crowded, I probably would have looked through the pictures, postcards, and other artifacts.

After I left the farmer's market, I strolled College Avenue for a little bit. I wasn't looking for anything in particular but did wander into a few stores that hit my fancy. I finally did check out Angels Forever/Windows of Light. It was very unique and I could possibly seeing going back in there for some gifts.

I also took a picture of the infamous horse statue. I have driven by it numerous times so it wasn't really on the bucket list but I still wanted a picture of it.

Some days it is fun just to wander the downtown and discover new things.

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