Tuesday, June 18, 2024

An Urban Hike Through Appleton

 Appleton library was offering an Urban Hike through downtown Appleton. It sound like fun. The hubby had games so even though it was ungodly hot, I decided to go. I double tripled checked this was for adults and not kids though. It was. 

We met at Jones Park. Googlemaps took me to the Jones Park by the police station. I knew we were meeting at the one below the Convention Center. So I had to wind my way back down to the river. I got there with plenty of time to spare. It said it would be a 2 hour hike in about 1.5 hours. 

Our friendly librarian guide gave us a mini journals to use once we got to our half way point. He said we would stop periodically and point out some flowers and animals that we saw along the way.

The first stop was the bird mural, which I did not know existed. It is a lovely mural depicting many different bird species found in the area painted to look like paper cranes. 

We spotted a pelican on the bank of the river.

There were plenty of wild flowers growing along the side of the trail including these fake sunflowers or oxeyes.

We then continued down the path to the Houdini Sculpture. Here talked about the bat population and various volunteer opportunities people have been involved with. We also saw an abandon eagle's nest. 

Our next destination was City Park. Here we learned about journaling and was sent to observe nature. We were to use the I notice.. I wonder.. It reminds me of technique. 

There was a tree that caught my eye when we walked in. It had vines growing out of it. As I laid there studying it, it reminded me of a woodland fairy. That is about as in touch with nature I get. 

From there we headed back to Jones Park. We didn't see much of anything on the way back. I did notice horse heads protruding from the front of Cloe's building. Never noticed them before.

It wasn't a bad way to spend a summer night. I was hoping for a little more guidance and discussion instead of lets just walk. I wanted to see things I usually missed but there wasn't anything unusual. Oh well, at least I got a walk in.

I challenge you to take an urban hike through your city and see what you find. 

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