Thursday, June 20, 2024

7330. Make a homemade ice cream sandwich

 After going to Legendairy, I decided I could probably make the same thing at home for less cost. All an ice cream sandwich is 2 cookies and some ice cream. 

The better the ice cream and cookies, the more expensive it is going to be. Sure I could have used Chips Ahoy and Great Value Ice Cream but I felt soft, bigger cookies would work better. I went with Pepperidge Farm Captiva Dark Chocolate cookies. You could also use homemade cookies. For ice cream, I went with Haagen Dazs Mint Chocolate Chip. 

It was super easy to make. 

1. Put a cookie in a bowl, plate, or cookie sheet. 

2. Add a few scoops of ice cream. The more ice cream you add the thicker it will be. I stuck with about 3.

3. Top with another cookie.

4. Freeze to let ice cream set. This is optional and I did not do this.

5. Enjoy.

My ice cream sandwich was really good. I was initially slightly disturbed that the ice cream was not green but it tasted amazing. It is nice treat once in a while. Since I was using Pepperidge Farm cookies and Haagen Dazs, it definitely would not be an every night treat otherwise I'd be out of cookies quickly.

Sometimes homemade is better. 

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