Monday, January 25, 2016

Shop Til I Drop

The hubby had his annual softball meeting in St. Paul yesterday. We decided again to drop me off at the Mall of America while he was at meeting, then spend the night and drive back home today. This is going to end up being an annual trip. I don't mind. I get to spend a couple of hours shopping at the Mall of America.

We left at 7 and the hubby dropped me off at the Mall around 11:15. Since I've done the roller coaster thing last year, I had no desire to do that this year. I could spend the entire afternoon shopping. And shopping I did. I had some money earned from working overtime and taking surveys on Swagbucks, along with gift cards from Swagbucks, Bing Rewards, and Best Buy Rewards. I had a budget of $120 which doesn't seem like a lot but I had those gift cards and tend to look for a good deal. I actually came home with $27 and that's because I ran out of time to spend it.

Because the Mall of America is HUGE, I came up with a game plan of the stores I wanted to hit and a shopping list. I was looking for a long sleeve white button down shirt.

Even though I had the game plan, I really didn't refer to it once I got there. I knew where I wanted to go and knew what floor they were on. I hit most of the stores on my list... window shopping at the very least to determine if I REALLY wanted to go in as I knew I had at most 3-4 hours.

The hubby called around 2:15 saying he was done and coming back for. I was actually checking out at my last MUST hit. It was good timing.

My best deal of the Day:

$35 clogs from American Eagle on Clearance for $25. Then I got 60% off clearance which knocked those beauties down $10 and after my $5 gift card... I paid $5 for them. I couldn't be happier.

I didn't get a chance to go back and get some scarves at the scarf kiosk but the good news there is one at the Fox River Mall... and there's always next year.

I like this yearly jaunt. Knowing that this will be a yearly trip, will let me save up some shopping money. I am not a big shopper or fashionista but the Mall of America is always fun to shop at...and it has H&M. I guess I have to start saving my pennies for next year.

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