Saturday, January 30, 2016

Checking out Snow Sculptures

Last night on the news, I caught something about snow sculptures in Menasha today. I googled it and discovered it was part of the Smith Park Winter Gala. The Gala was only from 12-3 today and featured snow sculptures, a petting zoo, winter golf, Story telling, and the park was groomed for skiing. Everything was free. It sounded fun and I mentioned it to Danielle in case she was interested in taking Gavin.

Since I wasn't too sore from snowshoeing this morning, I decided to go check it out. Danielle was busy so it was just me. After confirming with the hubby how to get to Smith Park, I headed out.

Honestly I was slightly disappointed...mainly by the set up. Everything was cramped together in front of the Memorial Building instead of utilizing the park across the street. I understand that they probably wanted to avoid having to cross the street to get to the building and utilize the sidewalk for people to walk on but it would have been nice to be a little more spread out.

If you didn't want the hassle finding a place to park and walking around, you could just drive by slowing and see most of the snow sculptures. Most of the snow sculptures were very well done. I had a hard time figuring out what some of them were supposed to be but that could be that they weren't done or I am just not up on pop culture like most people are. A friend from high school was there supporting her girlfriend so I chatted with her for a few minutes. And not to be biased or anything but I really loved the stork, which came in 3rd.

The petting zoo was tiny but adorable. There were llamas or alpacas and pygmy goats plus rabbits in cages. I was expecting a few goats but these were way cooler. I didn't pet anything (the hubby is a germaphob)  but I did look. I wanted to take one home.

If I had someone to play with, I would have totally done the winter golf. It is kind of like miniature golf but with tennis balls and hoops. You had to get the closest to the pin in the hoop. There was a competition that started at noon.

I am thinking as long as the weather cooperates this may become a yearly thing, just to see the snow sculptures. If the weather doesn't cooperate, it would still be fun to drive by after everyone is done to see the snow sculptures. Now if the weather would cooperate for walking around during the ice sculpting in Appleton....

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