Saturday, January 30, 2016

#514. Go Snowshoeing

I've wanted to go snowshoeing for several years now especially once I found out that the nature preserves around here rent snowshoes. Last year, it was either too cold or there wasn't enough snow. Luckily right after Christmas, we got a foot of snow that really hasn't gone away. However finding the time to go was more of an issue. Janis and I were supposed to meet on a Saturday and she was sick and it was too cold for me. Then she had a meeting the day we were going to meet after work. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get snowshoeing this year.

Janis' Snowshoes

My friend Holly said I really should sign up for the Winter Warrior 5k. It's a snowshoe run. I asked Janis to borrow her snowshoes since she had 2 pairs. I met her at the Town of Menasha Community Center to pick up the snowshoes. It was a nice enough day out I figure I could practice around the lake of the complex or something. I get to the Community Center and realize there's a park right there. Good enough as any to try out the snowshoes.

After Janis fitted me for the snowshoes which I just assumed I strapped them on and went, I trudged around the park for about 15 minutes. I was done for it. I was huffing and puffing, my hips were killing me, and I wasn't too sure how I would manage 3 miles. Janis told me to keep practice and I'd build up stamina and my hip muscles would get used to snowshoeing.

Getting the snowshoes fitted

Well between life and the cold snap, the snowshoes sat in the garage for about 2 weeks. I figured I better practice at least once more before the race. Luckily, we had about 6 inches on snow on Monday night into Tuesday and I had to work late Tuesday so I had a few hours in the morning free. The new snow was perfect to walk around the lake. I was still out of breath and sore after 30 minutes but it was fun. I still had my doubts about the race though.

I met Holly up at Mid Vallee Golf Course in De Pere this morning for the Winter Warrior 5K. We both decided to snowshoe. You could run, walk, or snowshoe. The course wasn't clear of snow so snowshoeing was the best option. We started at the back of the pack and never really gained any ground. It wasn't a timed race nor did we get bibs. I had issues starting out. I face planted once because I had issues with my tips digging into the snow. Then I kept walking out of my snowshoe. After the third time, I tightened the straps and didn't have to worry about that any more. The first mile was a killer... I don't know how I was going to make it. My ankle hurt and I was exhausted. By time we hit the water station around 1.8 miles, I was doing a little better. The last mile or so wasn't as bad as the first one. We finished in just over an hour (1 hour 4 minutes 44 seconds) but we didn't come inn last.

Ready for my first snowshoe 5K

And we're off 
(Photo Courtesy of Correy Photography Facebook Album)

Am I ready to do another snowshoe 5K? Probably not. I am ready to go snowshoeing again. I may even ended up eventually buying my own pair. I am just worried that they will end up collecting dust in the garage like my skis do.

(Photo Courtesy of Correy Photography Facebook Album)

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