Saturday, November 12, 2022

Author Meet and Greet -- Patricia Skalka

I like to discover new authors, especially local authors. Since the pandemic there have not been as many author visits to the area. When I saw that Lyons Fine Books in downtown Neenah was hosting a local author, I contemplated going. I didn't know the author, it was an informal event, and it was in Neenah. I know oh so far away. Since I had to go to the Neenah Library to get some books for the reading program and I had a gift card to Lyons, I decided to make a morning of it.

The author they were featuring was Patricia Skalka. She writes a mystery series set in Door County. Her latest book, Death Casts a Shadow, just came out in July. It is the 7th book in the series. The book sounded interesting enough that it sold me on going to check out the event.

Like I said the event was very informal. It was really just a book signing. I was all set to buy Death Casts a Shadow since it was the newest book. However when I got there, she had a few of her other books for sale and I decided to start with book 1, Death Stalks Door County.

Patricia signed my book and I let her know that I have not read any of her books and I was excited to start the series. She was very friendly and would probably have talked more if I had any real questions. Authors still intimidate me. 

I am glad I went and supported a local author and an indie bookstore. I will definitely keep an eye out for more author events at Lyons Fine Books as well Caramel Crisp in Oshkosh not to mention all the libraries in the area. I do like my author events. My wallet and the hubby may not but I sure do. Now if I just could get Brenda Novak to swing through Wisconsin on her book tour next year, life would be good.

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