Saturday, April 24, 2021

6716. Try Pisco

 After a fellow official's wedding, we went over to another official's house for the after party. Lyle had this "expensive bottle of wine" he said we could try. After a glass of rose, I decided to try this wine. 

Since none of us heard of "Gran Control de Guarda", we googled it and found that it was "Like ‘Tequila’ is to Mexico, ‘Grappa’ is to Italy, ‘Cognac’ is to France, then ‘Pisco’ is to Chile, it is their national drink, and they like to serve it as a ‘sour’. ( Pisco is more of a brandy than a wine. It is made from grapes which are distilled. I figured I would initially drink like I normally drink wine -- straight up.

UGH. BLECH. This stuff tasted worse than the chocolate chip martini I had on the Alaskan Cruise. It was stronger than gasoline.

So Lyle made it into a sour for me. Once the ice melted, it was actually drinkable. It was similar to a kamikaze. 

Needless to say, I won't be having any more Pisco in my future. However, if you ever get a chance to try this, I would say go for it. Just make sure it is a "sour" unless you really like strong alcohol. Apparently Gran Pisco is like 86 or higher proof. No wonder it hit me like a ton of bricks.


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