Friday, December 14, 2018

6411. Make homemade hot chocolate

I love hot chocolate and will drink it all year long. However, I am not a big fan of hot chocolate packets. I'd rather go to Starbucks and get a handcrafted one. I decided maybe I should make hot chocolate after I made my swizzle sticks since they were perfect to stir the hot chocolate with.

A Pinterest search later, I found the perfect hot chocolate recipe and it seemed simple enough. Since I was hosting a cookie exchange, I figured hot chocolate would be pair perfect with the cookies.

As soon as everyone arrived, I whipped up a batch of hot chocolate. I didn't want to make a whole pot of hot chocolate and no one wanted any. It probably took me maybe ten or fifteen minutes.

First I mixed the dry ingredients together and added water.

I heated that until it started to boil.

Then I add four cups of milk and heated it until it was warm. I actually used my 4 cup measuring cup probably for the first time ever..

To serve, I ladled into mugs and let everyone add their own toppings. I had whipped cream, mini marshmallows, and crushed candy canes (well.. more like crushed candy cane globs).

The hot chocolate was quite delicious. However, in the future I would definitely use the whole milk (or at least 2% milk) like the recipe called for. 1% milk did not make the hot chocolate very thick. I also used dark cocoa which I would use again.

It said it made 5 cups and well I got 3.5 mugfuls. I'm sure I could cut the recipe in half so I could make a single serving. Definitely worth the math.

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