Wednesday, October 24, 2018

6337. Try Mac and Cheese Bites

One of the latest food fads is deep fried anything including deep fried mac and cheese. I love deep fried food and I love mac and cheese. Deep fried mac and cheese just didn't seem right in my book but then again neither does Deep Fried Oreos. As much as I wanted to try mac and cheese bites, I was too cheap to actually spend any real money on them in case I didn't like them.

When work was offering 3 mac and cheese bites for a $1 as our weekly snack sale option, I was like this is my chance. So I paid $1 for 3 quarter sized mac and cheese balls.

Whoever came up with this idea is a genius. Deep fried mac and cheese is amazing, The hint of chilies and peppers inside made it even more delicious. Don't forget the bacon. There was bacon too. Bacon makes everything yummy.

I'll be honest though as good as they are I am still not willing to pay $3 or $4 for them. Call me frugal but when I can get a whole bowl of mac and cheese for like $7 why would I pay $4 for 3 mac and cheese bites even if they are bigger than a quarter. The math just add up. In the mean time I will keep paying my $1 every few weeks for some at work.

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