Saturday, April 16, 2016

Exploring Schmeeckle Reserve

The hubby had softball at UW-SP. The diamond was by Schmeeckle Reserve. I kind of knew of the place because I saw it when I was walking last year. It was probably where I lost my credit card. I figured I had plenty of time to explore before the game since he had to be there an hour before game time.

I first explored a little section of the Reserve which was right by where we parked. I thought it would have taken me into the reserve but one of the bridges were closed and I didn't get very far. There is a little stone amphitheater and a student memorial hidden within this section of the reserve.

In a way I was glad that I couldn't cross the bridge because then I was able to explore the other side of the reserve. I started at Lake Joanis and followed whatever trail seemed the most interesting. The trails are well signed and there are several "you are here" signs. I don't think even I could get lost. The trails are either boardwalk or gravel if I remember correctly. Also plenty of benches to rest on in case you got tired.

My wanderings took me down the Frog Chorus Trail which I am guessing in the summer months are full of frogs. I did not see or hear any frogs. From there I wandered through the Cattail Marsh. That reminded me of college when JDow was doing a project on Milkweed or something for Environmental Science. Cattails... milkweed... close enough. That path actually leads you back out to the road and over where I was initially. I decided to turn around and head towards the visitor center.

The Visitor Center was very cool. There was this little museum -- Wisconsin Land of Wealth Museum to be exact. I took a few minutes to explore it even though I didn't realize it was a museum. I thought it was just cool stuff. I even got to sit in an old truck. I think I made the hubby jealous again. Also inside the visitor center is the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame. Apparently I missed this or I would have checked it out.

After leaving the Visitor Center, I followed the Trail of Reflections back to the Frog Chorus Trail so I could finish my journey around the lake. The Trail of Reflections was very serene. There were several spots to sit and enjoy nature. There was a little look out tower that several college students were enjoying the view from. My favorite spot though was the Reflection Pond. I could spend hours sitting in the swing watching the pond life. Even the hubby said it was his kind of spot.

Once I found the motivation to get out of the swing, I continued my journey around the lake. Being such a gorgeous day, several kayakers were out on the lake. You can canoe, fish, and even sunbath at Lake Jonais but no swimming. It was tempting to pull of my shoes and socks and dip my toes in the water but this is Wisconsin in April and I'm sure the water temperature was probably about 40 degrees. Well that and the no swimming sign.

I was pleasantly surprised on how nice this reserve was. I was figuring a few trails but the UW-SP does a really nice job at preserving the natural habitats of the area. Hopefully the hubby will have more games at UW-SP that I can attend so I can explore a few more trails in the reserve.

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