Saturday, July 18, 2015

Catfish Concert 2015 -- Alabama

A few years ago, I saw that the Beach Boys were playing at the Greenville Catfish Concert. I wanted to go and the hubby reluctantly went along. Every year in January or February, Greenville Lions post teasers of who is their headliner for the Concert is on the Catfish Website. This year it said something about “Song of the South” and “Mountain Music” which meant that Alabama was coming. I mention this to the hubby and he said he never seen Alabama and would like to go. I’ve seen Alabama’s farewell tour but didn’t mind going again.

Tickets were $35/person. It is all general admission seating. Lion’s Park in Greenville has a great set up for concerts. They built the stage at the bottom of a stepped hill. Then you bring your lawn chairs/blankets and sit on the hill. There are flat areas built into the hill place your chairs, so it’s you aren’t sitting on a slope. Near the front of the stage is a standing area for those die-hard fans that want to be up close and personal. The earlier you get there, the closer to the stage you can get. We don’t mind sitting at the top of the hill and were about 4 rows from the back.

Parking was $10 and the Lions and Fire Department did a really good job of parking everyone in a big grassy field. They leave room for people to get out. You just have to remember where you parked. Leaving at the end of the concert was a little more difficult as no one was directing traffic until we got to the road. Everyone was leaving at the same time but for the most part everyone was really good and patient. It took us probably a good 30 minutes to get out but we were in no hurry. Once we got to the highway, cops directed traffic and only let you go certain ways. Good thing the hubby knows every road, highway, dirt path, and ditch in a 5 county area.

Before Alabama came on, there were two opening acts – a local band, Grand Union Station, and The Kentucky Headhunters. Grand Union wasn’t bad but there were pretty much a cover band. Kentucky Headhunters were not my kind of music since they are mainly bluegrass. At times they were difficult to hear. That was the time to people watch. For the most part it was an older crowd back where we sitting. There weren’t too many rowdy people. I didn’t see any fights.

Alabama came on and played a fantastic concert as usual. Being as far back as we were, we still were able to see and hear just fine. There were video boards to help with seeing the stage on either side of the stage. Randy, the lead singer, had on a Packer’s jersey. They played their hits, some lesser known songs, and even one or two new songs. When the concert was over, they came out for an Encore. However, I wasn’t expecting just one song since it was not “Angels Among Us” which they used to close the show out to. I really expected them to end the show with “Angels Among Us” and was disappointed not to hear it.

Overall it was a great concert and even the hubby said he enjoyed it. We would see Alabama again anytime. Next year is the 15th anniversary of the Catfish Concert. I wonder who they will bring in and will they be able to beat a sold out Alabama Concert??

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