Sunday, January 1, 2023

6880. Make Italian Cream Sodas

 I had my first Italian Cream Soda 20 years ago when the coffee shop opened in the library at Carroll. I introduced the hubby to them at Bucca's many years ago. If we see them on the menu, we will order them. Globe coffee at the Plaza in Neenah has them on their menu. However, I wanted to try to make them myself. A college friend and I said we'd get together during the pandemic and make them. We never did. 

When my mom asked me last week, if I had a use for half and half cream. I said, I sure do. The hubby looked at my quizzically until I told him we can make Italian cream sodas. When we went grocery shopping we picked up club soda and flavored syrup at Walmart.

An Italian cream soda is a basic mixed drink recipe. I ended up using one I found on Pinterest. 


  • 1/2 cup Club Soda
  • 3 T Flavored Syrup -- We used coconut. You can mix flavors just don't exceed 3 T total
  • 1 T half and half cream
  • Ice cubes

1. Add the ice cubes to a glass
2. Add Club Soda to glass
3. Add Flavored Syrup
4. Add half and half cream

Take a picture of the pretty layers before stirring. Since we were using coconut we didn't get the pretty layers.


You can also make them without the cream and then it's just an Italian Soda.

My first sip and I thought I was back in the library at Carroll. 

We decided we want to get more flavors -- raspberry, peach, cherry. Oh the possibilities. 

These will definitely be made again..

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