Sunday, February 20, 2022

6681. Watch M*A*S*H

 Back in 2020, Andrea said something about watching the series finale of M*A*S*H and Danielle thought it would be a good idea to have a M*A*S*H party so I could watch it to. I have seen M*A*S*H here and there. I was never one to get into fully like my brothers. Because of schedules and COVID, we could never nail down a day. I finally said this is the date and whoever could make it, made it.

Danielle, Erin, Janis, and I watched M*A*S*H series finale while having a soup and sandwich lunch. Danielle rented the DVD, Janis made soup, Erin bought cheese, and I picked up bread. It was a fun little luncheon.

Since I was never really got into M*A*S*H and it's been years since I watched M*A*S*H, I really couldn't remember what was going on at times. It was okay. we had good fun and a good time. 

The series finale is almost 2 hours. There was blood, tanks, a wedding, and several good byes. I knew enough about M*A*S*H, to know the back story and some of the characters. I did like the final scene.

It was a fun afternoon of good TV, good food, and good friends. If you are looking for a fun gal time activity, find a TV show you all like and watch an episode or binge watch the entire series.

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