Saturday, December 4, 2021

My Adventures with Buddha's Palm

I am not an adventurous eating. However, when Stacy said she bought this fruit and then discovered there are only two ways to eat the fruit and I needed to try it, of course I did.

For Halloween Stacy bought Buddha's Palm. It is a yellow citrus fruit with tentacles that kind of look like goblin fingers. It smells good and makes a great centerpiece. That is all it's really good for. You really can't eat it. 

After some googling, Stacy discovered you can candy it or infuse alcohol with it as well. She opted to candy. So that's how I ended up trying Buddha's palm. She candied it and brought me some. She also used the candied liquid as a simple syrup in a drink and it was really good.

What does Buddha's palm taste like? Citrus peel. It is like you are eating the peel of a lemon or an orange. It is tart yet sweet because it's candied. It was actually really good and I will enjoy the Buddha's Palm that she left me. 

Would I buy it myself? Probably not. I don't need a good smelling centerpiece and I have no desire to candy the fruit itself. But if someone else buys it and candies it, I will have no objection to eating it. 

So the next time you are wandering through the produce island of Woodman's and see Buddha's palm remember unless you want to candy it or infuse alcohol with it, you might want to pick up a different fruit.

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