Sunday, March 28, 2021

4856. See the sculptures downtown Neenah

 If you drive through downtown Neenah, you will be greeted with several sculptures/statues along Wisconsin Avenue. For whatever reason, Bergstrom and others decided that the downtown needed sculptures and statues. And not just any sculptures of presidents. Unlike a statue, most of these sculptures are sitting on benches for reasons I do not quite understand.

As you walk along Wisconsin Avenue from the library (east to west), you are first greeted by a Thomas Jefferson writing on a bench outside of Shattuck Park.

Then outside One Neenah Building is Ronald Reagan. He is the only one that is standing. It took the hubby and me several months to figure out who he was. Finally the hubby figured it out and realized it was because Ronald Reagan visited in the 1980s. There is a plaque explaining the statue next to it.

At the corner of Main Street and Wisconsin Avenue, George Washington greets you. 

There is the girl on top of the world at the entrance of Gateway Park. I am not quote sure about the meaning behind this one.

Abraham Lincoln greets you outside of the new Plexus Park area. 

Finally there is Lady Liberty standing proud at the corner of Wisconsin and Commercial. 

I  have never read any of the plaques. However, I do find it a bit odd that Neenah has so many presidential statues/sculptures in a short span especially since most of them never even visited Wisconsin.

Take a walk and see the presidents for yourself.

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