Sunday, May 3, 2020

4733. Walk the Loop The Lake Path

One of the things on my 20 in 2020 list was to walk loop the lake path. I've been waiting to do this since it was completed a few years ago. I've walked the trestle trail bridge but never the whole loop.

I figured in the middle of a pandemic would be a good time to go for a 3.5 mile walk around Menasha, Fox Crossing, and Neenah. I also decided that mid-morning was the time to go to avoid people. I don't like people most days so in the middle of pandemic I really want to avoid them.

I started off from Danielle's house, walked the part of the trestle bridge with her and the dogs, and then continued the rest of the way myself. I stopped at Fritse Park to put in my earbuds and listen to the audio book I downloaded earlier.

Like I said, I've never done this whole loop the lake thing before and was slightly worried I'd get lost and have to walk a whole lot more just to get back to my car. Danielle assured me I couldn't get lost. She was right. You literally follow the signs. They point you in the direction you need to go and tell you how far it is to the next landmark. There was only one time I wasn't sure which way to go because there was no sign but logically it made sense to go left and I was right.

It was actually a nice morning for a walk. I explored parts of Neenah, Menasha, and Fox Crossing I've never seen before or just by car. I enjoyed some before scenery along the river.

I will definitely do the loop again. Next time maybe I will try working on my running while completely the loop.

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