Saturday, July 13, 2019

722. Go to a Toga Party

When Danielle and I were figuring out the Ultimate Bucket List year, I jokingly said you go have a toga party and I can come. She was like okay which is how I ended up going to a toga party.

Unlike a college toga party where everyone got drunk and made out in corners, or that's the perception, this was a more relaxed, adult toga party. We dressed up in togas, sat around sipping wine, nibbled off a charcuterie platter, and enjoyed each other's company. What 20+ years will do to people.

Honestly since I'm not one to chug beer at a frat house, this was more my kind of toga party. A few good friends getting together and catching up.... we just happened to be wearing togas. Sometimes it's good to have a ladies' night in.

How to Throw an Adult Toga Party
1. Invite a few close friends over for dinner. Instruct them to wear togas and bring a dish to pass
2. Open a few bottles of wine and/or other alcoholic beverages of choice
3. Sit around talking while eating appetizers and dinner.
4. Pose for a group picture
5. Enjoy everyone's company.

Our menu
Fresh Veggies
Charcuterie platter with a Creamy Feta Dip
Grilled Chicken
Grilled Vegetables
Mint Brownies

The creamy feta dip was amazing on the toast along with some cucumbers, kohlrabi, and cheese. Or even as a dip for the veggies. The kohlrabi made an excellent base to spread the feta dip on and add other veggies and cheese.

If you want to spice things up you can add lawn games, board games, or even a bonfire on to your evening. We opted to roast marshmallows.

Everyone is much more relaxed and there is probably no horrible hangover in the morning.

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