Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Will Run for Wine

I saw on Facebook that a friend was interested in a beer run type event. After looking at the event, I discovered that not only was there a FREE beer run in April but a FREE wine run in March that started near the apartment. It turns out that Pacesetters of the Fox Cities offers monthly Fun Runs throughout the Fox Cities for Free. From what I can tell there is a theme, wine, soup, beer. There are 3 mile and 6 mile routes. You can run or walk. 

Even though I could find anyone that wanted to do this with me, I decided to do it anyways. I drove over to Red and Wine. I figured I'd go for a 3 mile walk, enjoy a glass of wine, and be back home before the hubby gets home from basketball. It was a great plan. I signed in, grabbed a map, and started out. I realize now that I could have waited until 6 for the official start but it was crowded inside and I rather get this done.

I started out on my walk trying to follow the directions by street lights. I left my glasses in the car. After about a mile, I looked at the directions and realized I didn't grab the 3 mile route, I took the 6 mile route. At first I figured it might be a misprint. However the more I read the directions, I realized I really did take the 6 mile route. I REALLY didn't want to go for a 6 mile walk. Once I realized my mistake, I figured I would just head back to Red and Wine. I cut the route short and when all was said and done I still walked almost 5 miles. 

The route maps... see it was easy to mix the up when you're blind

I thought about skipping the wine since I got back so late but since others were finishing at the same time, I figured I earned my glass of wine. After navigating through the crowd, I made my way to the back room and poured myself a glass of a decent Moscato. I found a place to drink my glass and went home.

I will try to do more of these Fun Runs in the future but will definitely make sure I take the 3 mile route. After looking at the website, I learned there are Saturday morning walks too. Hmmm something else to check out. I may even join the Pacesetters one day.  But first I need to get some reflective gear.

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