Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dining With Craxi: Bangers and Smash

Since the hubby had an afternoon game in Waupaca, it was decided that we would just have an early dinner in Waupaca. I knew he a place in mind and I knew it was a bar type place. I figured I'd have a good bar burger and some homemade chips.

It turns out I was not entirely on the right page. We ended up at T-Dubs Public House which is located in the basement of a 4 story building along the river. I was still thinking bar burger until I walked inside. It was your typical dark Irish Pub. I was beginning to think a bar burger wasn't happening. That thought went out the window when the hostess sets down a thick menu and a special sheet.

The specials included Bangers and Smash, Shepard's Pie, and Mac and Cheese. Anytime I see Mac and Cheese on the menu, I am tempted to get it. The Bangers and Smash sounded intriguing too. The hubby was torn between Cheese Tortellini or the Bangers and Smash. Our waitress said anytime you are debating between the menu item and the special, go with the special. We both got the Bangers and Smash.

Bangers and Smash is really homemade sausages served over garlic mashed potatoes. To be honest, when the dish came, it was not what I expected. I thought I'd get pieces of cut up sausages not actual sausage. I actually had to choke down the first bite because the seasoning was overwhelming. I was not impressed but I ate another piece dipped in the gravy and it was better. The waitress came to check on us and I told her I was still deciding about them. There were not as bad as the first bite and were quite tasty. Bangers are a dense, dry sausage in my opinion and nothing like brats or the other juicy sausages I have had in Germany. It was a strange combination (dry and dense) to get used to. The hubby did enjoy them immediately. 

I would not hesitate to go back. Since the daily specials always change, I'm sure there would be something new to try every time. Sure I could have stuck with the burger but I can get a burger anytime. When given the opportunity to try something new within my very limited palate, I will usually try something new.

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