Sunday, July 25, 2021

Titanic: The Wisconsin Connection -- Exhibit at the Oshkosh Public Museum

 When Brenda asked if I wanted to go to the Shoe or Titanic exhibits, I said yes to both. I really wanted to see the Titanic exhibit. The Titanic fascinated me even before Kate and Leo try to survive in the icy North Atlantic.

When you enter the exhibit, you are given a boarding pass. At the very end you can determine if you survived or not.

Most of the exhibit is a lot of reading.. about people from Wisconsin or had to ties to the state who were either on the Titanic or played a role in building her or Wisconsin industries that played a role in building her. There were artifacts as well but to get the true story of the Wisconsin ties you had to read. I hate reading. I want to look at the things when I'm at a museum. If I wanted to read about it, I'd check out a book.

The exhibit did span a good portion of the second floor and took over other exhibit space. Unfortunately you couldn't take pictures or even lean on the glass cases to get a better look. The docents were in every room patrolling for those you accidentally leaned on the glass. 

Personally, I thought the exhibit was missing something. It was not worth the money. There was not enough artifacts. I did not get to follow my person through their journey -- only found out if they survived at the end. It was well put together and very informative but I did not get the WOW factor I was looking for. 

The Titanic exhibit runs through October 13th. Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for college students and seniors, and $12 for kids. If given the opportunity I would definitely go back and see the shoe exhibit again and skip the Titanic. I didn't see the value for the money. 

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