Saturday, September 26, 2020

5219. See the World’s Largest Penny in Woodruff

 When planning our road trip to Northern Wisconsin, my original plan was to head to Hurley and then over to Hayward. I reversed directions for logistical reasons. That really doesn't matter because either way, I wanted to stop in Woodruff, which we would be driving through anyways, and see the largest penny. 

I am a sucker for the largest anything and why not see a giant coin. It was outside and it was pretty COVID safe.

I was expecting a metal penny created out of copper like pennies were back in the day. Nope. This one looks to be created out of cement and is a nice grey/silver color.

The World's Largest Penny was created to honor the Penny Parade which helped build the Woodruff hospital back in the 1950s. There is a plaque telling you about the history behind the penny.

Would I drive out of the way to see the world's largest penny? Nope but since we were driving almost right by it, I figured we could check it out. It's worth a quick photo op if you are ever in the Northwoods but not worth going out of your way to see.

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