Saturday, August 22, 2020

4915. See the Little White Schoolhouse in Ripon

Earlier in the year Stacy and I had planned on doing Rockford/Beloit for the girls weekend. Then COVID hit. We decided to do a girls day instead. After bouncing a few ideas around, we decided to head to Ripon since there were several bucket list items we could cross off while social distancing.

Our first was the Little White Schoolhouse which was the birthplace of the Republican party. I really am not really political or have ties to either party but I wanted to see an important place in our county's history.

The Little White Schoolhouse is a one room schoolhouse in the middle of Ripon. When we got there we could either look around ourselves or get a guided tour. I didn't think we needed a tour as I didn't care of the too much of the history of the schoolhouse, which I kind of regret now. I really regret not actually caring about the history of the place. I gravitated towards the toys.

You can learn the history of the Republic Party and what life in a one room schoolhouse was like by reading the walls and looking at the display cases.

You can also put on the dunce hat in a stand or sit in the corner.

It is not a huge place but it is a piece of history that is worth visiting especially since it's free. The hubby has never been there so I feel a repeat trip may be in the future. I would definitely read and learn the history of the schoolhouse instead of just going to it.

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