Monday, July 20, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Virtual Garden Walk

When I saw Kimberly-Little Chute Library was doing a virtual garden walk, I signed up. I always wanted to do a garden walk and see other people's gardens. I have a black thumb but I do appreciate a good flower garden.

The Virtual Garden walk was done via zoom. There were 3 gardens and you could ask questions to each gardener between visits.

I have to admit these gardens were impressive and HUGE. Each garden featured different flowers, plants, and trees. There usually was some sort of theme to the garden.

Besides plants, these gardens feature many decorative features as well. I was impressed with the amount time, energy, and money people spend on their gardens. Some of these gardens were like having their own botanical gardens.

I was slightly disappointed by the format of the virtual garden walk. I was assuming each gardener would be walking through their garden live and explaining their plants and features. Instead each gardener put together a Powerpoint presentation about their garden. I get the limits of technology and video sharing but I really wanted a walk through not a Powerpoint. Alas the times we live in.

Hopefully next year we can have in person garden walks where we can stop and smell the roses. Until then I will live through Powerpoints and Zoom presentations.

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