Saturday, June 8, 2019

Goats on Parade

My cousin was turning 50 this month and she wanted to go to Door County for her birthday. A couple of us cousins decided to go with her. As we were beginning to plan, she saw something about a goat parade in Sister Bay then realized it was last year's dates. Thanks to a quick Google search, I found indeed we were going to be up there for the Sister Bay Roofing of the Goats Parade. 

Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant keeps goats on its roof to eat the grass roof and this was the weekend that they would roof the goats for the season meaning the goats would make their first appearance on the roof this year. They have a parade the goats and any other goats down the street and up on the roof. People are welcome to dress as goats and Vikings as well.

Bonnie, Laurie, and I got to Sister Bay about an hour before the parade at 10:30. After browsing a few shops, we found a nice open spot in front of the restaurant to watch the parade. Only to be told about 10:15, the goats don't go that far. They only go up to the alley and then turn into the alley to get up the roof. We decided to move into the alley which gave us a great view of the roof as well.

After we moved into the alley, I noticed a table where kids could make paper goat hats. I meandered over and asked if there was an age limit. Of course there wasn't and I quickly put together my goat hat. All the pieces were pre-cut (thank you to who ever did that) and all I had to was glue, staple, and tape the hat together. 5 minutes later I had a beautiful goat hat.

Besides making goat hats, you could buy a sticker for a donation to the animal shelter. You put your name on your sticker and stuck it on the parade route. If a goat pooped on your sticker, you won a prize. I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't the one to stick my sticker on the road. Some official parade poop sticker person got that honor. I guess they preferred one person to get ran over versus 100s. No I didn't buy a poop sticker but after seeing the amount of goat poop I probably should have. Besides the official poop sticker person stuck all the stickers in a bunch in front of the alley. I would have rather stuck it in the middle of the route or even on the side.

At 10:30 the parade began with people leading the official Al Johnson goats on ropes down the road and up on the roof. Other goats also followed. There were big goats, baby goats, hair goats, and mini goats. They were all so cute.

There was the official beer bringer who wheeled in the official beer keg for the goat festival which we did not stick around for.

Up on the roof they go...

This was probably the shortest parade I ever was too. The parade route was about two blocks. We were headed back to our car about 8 minutes after it started and that was after watching roofing of the goats for several minutes. It was literally probably a 60 foot parade.

If you are ever in Door County for Roofing of the Goat Parade, check it out. People come from all over to see it and people even dress up.The people watching might just be worth it.

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