Tuesday, October 24, 2017

An Hour with Jen Mann

I got an invite from someone from book club to attend this book event. The title of the book was Working with People I Want to Punch in the Throat by Jen Mann. I never heard of her but based on the title alone I figured it was worth the $15 for the book.

The event was being held at Hollanders in Little Chute which is a bar and grill. I figured we'd have a back room or something but we in a corner of the bar. Food and drink was available if you wanted to purchase it. Being in the bar made it difficult to hear at times if you were in the back. Jen also to keep things PG. I would have loved to hear the adult version of some of the stories.

Jen highlighted her journey from trying to get a job in NYC to being here in WI promoting another book. She has a cynical sense of humor and pretty much says what she thinks. Because she is a venter, her husband suggested she write a blog to get her frustrations out. After a late night post about the Elf on the Shelf, she went viral and the rest is history.

Even though I would have loved to spend more time with Jen, it was an enjoyable hour or so. She is funny as snot and her book proves it. I am going to track down some of her other books at the library or even amazon even though the hubby thinks I don't need any more books. Oh yeah and maybe follow her blog. I can always use a dose of humor every day especially when work wants to make me punch people in the face or throat. You should too because everyone needs more humor in their life.

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