Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 Year in Review

As 2015 draws to a close, I want to take a minute or two to think about things that I did and saw. 2015 certainly was a busy year with many new experiences and fun things done.

By the numbers:

  • 18 Items crossed off the original bucket list
  • 46 or so Items crossed off the expanded bucket list 
  • 7 states (no new ones)
  • 5 new counties in WI
  • 3 new counties in WI that I've seen a sporting event in
  • 13 5Ks completed... that's over 40 miles (or 3 1/2 marathons)
Out of the 10 Things I set out to do in 2015, I accomplished 9. I did not make it to the Mayville Schoolhouse Museum. We drove by it but I did not actually go to it.

There were also 9 official bucket list items crossed off that I didn't plan on completing when 2015 started. I really didn't expect to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or Amish Country when the year started. I am glad we were able to go to those places because who knows when the next opportunity to head that way will be.

If I had to pick my favorite thing that I did all year, it probably would have been go to Packer's training camp. It wasn't planned and was a last minute decision but it made my summer. My tea party was quite fun too.

My least favorite experience of the year probably would be the Glo-Runs only because they were over-hyped and turned out to be a great disappointment. To me, it was just another 5k nothing special except it was at night. Personally I prefer doing 5Ks in the morning. I have more energy.

I am thankful for my friends, especially Danielle and Stacy, who willingly come along on these crazy adventures and don't think I'm crazy (yet). Sometimes it is more fun to have a partner in crime in these adventures.

2015 was a great year and I am hoping 2016 will be just as fun

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