Monday, July 27, 2015

# 4337 Go to the Caddie Woodlawn Historical Site in Downsville

When the hubby asked what I wanted to see while in Eau Claire for the Babe Ruth Regional Tournament, I consulted the List and decided on a Inner Elementary Teacher/History Geek Road Trip sounded like fun. However it would be a 2-3 hour adventure and the hubby couldn't spare the time so I went on a solo mini road trip to see a few cabins, a museum, and a bluff. The first stop was Caddie Woodlawn's Cabin near Downsville.

After the GPS took me to the wrong place, I arrived at a little county park in Dunn County along Hwy 25 outside of Menomonie.

And this is what I found

It was a lot smaller than I expected. Caddie, her 2 brothers, and 2 sisters lived in this tiny little house with her parents while growing up on a farm. They also had a barn and a farm hand. 

I won't say I wasted my time but if this was the only thing I wanted to see on my road trip I would have been thoroughly disappointed. It probably rated a 2 on the fun factor. However, anyone that has read Caddie Woodlawn's story should take the opportunity to see how she lived if you are in the area. 

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