Monday, January 1, 2018

Top 5 in 2018

As I look ahead to 2018, I have some adventures that I hope to accomplish this year and knock them off the original bucket list.

1. Go to the Octagon House -- this has been on my short list for the last couple of years. I had an opportunity to check it out this year but the timing just wasn't going to work. I may just plan a day trip down there in summer just to knock it off the list.

2. Go to Zoo Ala Carte -- another one that has been on the short list for the last couple of years. Because of when it is, it usually lands during my vacation. Hopefully vacation will be earlier this year and I can head down to zoo ala carte.

3. See the ice sculptures at the PAC -- this is one of those things that was added to the original list because of living in the Milwaukee area. However, it seems like Milwaukee doesn't have them any more so it was decided that the ice sculptures downtown Appleton and around the Fox Cities PAC will also work... now they just need to do them this year.

4. Go to Brewer Spring Training. This is tentatively on the calendar for March. The hubby wants to go so bad. It's going to come down to if we can get cheap and/or free lodging.

5. See the Harlem Globetrotters. I've wanted to do this for many years. The hubby says we will go this year. I'm going to hold him to it.

I'm sure there will be other items that get crossed off the original bucket list this year like always. The goal is to knock off 5 and the last couple of years I have more than doubled that.

I know the hubby and I will work on knocking off more Major League Baseball Stadiums this year to help me reach my goal of seeing all the stadiums. Kansas City and Cleveland make the short List. The hubby also wants to hit all the minor league stadiums too so there are several on the short list to see including a Michigan or Iowa trip for Labor Day weekend.

Stay tuned for my many adventures in the coming weeks and months.